Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Darkness Within

Deep in the darkness of my heart,
dwells a spark that wants to be set free
to start a whirlwind of emotions for
all to see.Just how beautiful of a soul that
lives inside me.Don't try to stop me please don't
you dare,because you will always live in the
memory of when I was there.


From the depths of hell she arose. A beautiful person with a broken soul.She was surrounded by love and even hate a inner battle she would have to face. The demons of hell tried to hold her down, but out of the rubble she prevailed.She shakes off the dust, and looks to the sky her wings spread open and she once again flies.


Appreciate the things in your life that mean the most to you,
because you never know when it could be your last chance.

Always keep your priorities straight and never compromise
who you are for the sake of anyone else.

Be confident in everything you do because confidence
is what makes you sexy.

Always stop and dance in the rain and look at things anew again.

Your The Type Of Guy For Me

Your the kind of guy for me your brighten up my day,
your the kind of guy for me you helped me in each and ever way,
you stand beside me through the good times and the bad you make
me feel happy when ever i feel sad you helped through alot which was
hard to do nobody could really do that only a guy like you.
its hard to write what i really want to say you're the kind of guy i need
each and every day even though we are miles apart
you will always have a special place in my heart one more thing before
i go your the kind of guy that i am glad to know.

Give You Everything

I want to give you everything
be what you want me to be make u happy with yourself
happy loving me our love is special our love is strong
our love is together where it belongs
now its her no longer me she has taken my place
and all that i am left with is a hallow empty space.

Bathing In The Darkness

Bathing in the darkness,
alive but dead inside,
the empty hole in my chest,
rots more with every sigh,
I will soon just be the dust
that falls down to this earth,
the wind will carry my soul
away to a place where demons and scary things play.
Until my angel of mercy appears to take away the hurt and tears,
to take me to a better place.. Are u my angel?

Lady Reaper

I am the lady reaper,
here to take away your fears,
where there is no night or day,
no light that can go astray,
i chill your fears to the bone,
to take u to places unknown,
i will rip my heart from my chest.
and only ask to be loved with my last dieing breath

A Moment In Time

In the distance I hear a faint sound, I see nothing but darkness all around. The sounds grows louder and I listen and shut my eyes. The warm wind blowing across my cheek. A gentle caress so tender so meek. The visions of you and I in my head. The shimmering of the moonlight dancing across the lakes bed. The crickets are chirping as my heart awakes. The vision of tomorrow, and what I am to face. Until tomorrow comes and I face what may. I will stay lost in this moment for the rest of time.

Groovy Kind Of Love

Hugz and Kisses
Dandelion wine
Sunshine & Daisies
your heart and mine.

Poises & Pansies
Butterscotch & Pecans
the taste of your kiss
still lingers on.

Bubblegum wishes
and lollipop dreams
are the happy thoughts
I have when I think of you and me.

Deliver Me

Deliver me from myself. Open up the flood gates
of life and let love fill your heart. Put the past
behind you and move forward with your life.
Never regret things that once made you smile.


Why do I feel so lost? Like I am out of place.

Like a baby bird who fell out of its nest ,

like a name without a face.

Why do I feel so empty? But yet alive and still

dead inside.I have to sit here and ponder how

I can get by.

Why do you make me smile when everything

seems so gloom.I guess I really know why,

and it’s something that is so new.

Why do we try to fight it when we both

know in our hearts. That the day we both

admit it , is the day a new life starts.

All I Want For Christmas

All I want for Christmas is a good man for me.
No one who tries to impress me with his money.
None one whose going to cheat , or play little
reindeer games. Santa has that covered by the ones
who pull his sleigh.

Now sometimes I wonder if guys think a girls heart is
a toy, and when there done playing they throw them to
the Island of Misfit Toys.

So as Christmas comes closer and I go sit on Santa's
lap. All I ask him for this year is a man who will love me back.

When Does The Emptyness Heal?

Careless whispers, foot prints in the sand,you and I walking hand and hand.Visions of happiness as clouds float by, a old couple walking hand in hand, and I have to sigh. Here I stand all alone, the sleepless nights, waiting for him to phone. But all I hear is silence in its place, making me wonder is this my fate. To be alone without a guy to frow old with and stand by my side..

When does the emptiness heal?

Fairy Tales Are Real

Thoughts running through my head. Feelings that I thought were once dead, like sand passing through my hands. The faint sound of a whipper whill, my thoughts spinning like a ferris wheel. Birds landing on my window seal to remind me that fairy tales are real.

Does Sorrow Engulf Your Soul?

The world is full of many things, the good the bad the scary things. If we tip toe through life and always worried about our past are we really living life or just watching it pass. Would our existance be real or just puppets on a string controlled by a unforseen thing.

As our dreams take us through a incredible flight it just for the night then we awake to our reality, does it really keep us sane or just a short break from our mondane existance that we all live, I have a blackheart full of emptyness to give.

Breaking away from the ball and chain that holds us down and is a constant reminder of all the pain from our past, no rest till at last we leave it behind and true love do we find.

Because they say love is bitter, it has its bright sides to , think about it really I fell in love with you.

I wont race to through life no more, knowing in the end only deaths reaper knocks on my door, Only to open it and see you on the other side our lives less lonely with a companion by our side

So standing alone as one in a crowd the lives passing you all around.Today you must make a choice to accept me there by your side or do you walk the lonly street with the cold wind blowing and a empty heartbeat.

Does Sorrow Engulf Your Soul?

If I Close My Eyes Forever

If I close my eyes forever, will it all remain unchanged. Will the pain still be the same if I try to surpress the feelings deep within. Do I let you in, and warm my heart. Or do we just stay apart? I come back to whats familiar, to what I know is true, in my heart, torture is not apart of what I want. I want you to feel , your tender touch was so sureal, the night our hearts danced in the dark. I remember the day , the words the pain, the coldness that coorsed through my veins, its the day I died, I can not lie. That was a mistake I made that i cant deny. We went to hell and out of the hot burning umbers we prevailed. Two reapers in the night, our stares like ice. When we kiss firey white sparks ignites, a fear with in all, we did not fall, our love not in dispare but were but unaware. its larger then life as we lift up our eyes. We can prove that true love never dies.

Is Your Love The Prize?

Silent screams, endless dreams, visions in the mirror of you and me. The happy times of careless wonder, the night we spent in a sleepless slumber. The doubt with in swells up inside. do I love or do I die without you here by my side. The cold reflection I know see, you with out me is lingering in the mirror where the cold erie figure stares back at me. Will it pull me in? Do I fight back or let it win?

Is Your Love The Prize?

Take My Heart To Never Never Land!

Leaves falling on the ground, love in bloom all around. I see the couples
and watch with envy and pain.Why cant I find love just the same?
What have I done to be all alone, the hurt with in continues to grow.
I just want to be loved is that so bad? God please send me a love , I only
wish I could have. Put a smile upon my face and take me to a far away place.

Take my heart to never never land.

Fairy Tale

Our worlds collide, two seperate spaces in time. Wondering how the hell do I make you mine.
I took a chance to let my feelings show through,know the rest is up to you. The hole in my
chest starts to heal, wondering if you are real. Fill it in make me whole,I hate the feeling of
being alone and so cold. So warm me up from deep inside, stand beside me and take the time,
to make me whole one again.

If this is a fairytale please don't let it end.

Will You Be Mine?

Free my soul my thoughts my mind. My deepest dreams like the sweetest wine.
Drink my love my warm embrace, take me to a far away place. My dreams sureal
my reality gloom, my thoughts my life, are a reflection of whom I am and what I
want to be. Take me in your arms, show me your passion your charm that's hidden
deep within. Let our bodies entwine, your mind and mine. Let our souls devour our love
until the end of time.

Will You Be Mine?

Dream A Reality

I want to feel your touch, all over me, your hands taking me to extasey.
The smell of you intoxicates me, the way I want you noone can see.
I want your body I want it know, I just can't imagine how, I ever lived with
out your tender kiss. Your arms around me is what I miss.It felt so right even if it
was just for the night, when my head was on my pillow, and my dreams in beautiful flight.

Wanna make my dream a reality?

Prince Charming

The dreams are mine, I can't define, where do we cross that line.Do we love or do we hate, The feelings that dwell within is it fate. Do I want to try to let you be the guy to take away the pain and make you mine.To expose myself is something rare, I never do that I am always scared.My thoughts unclear I shed a tear what my fututre holds is unclear.I just want to love and be loved to. Just when does my fairytale ever come true.

Will you be my Prince Charming?


Why do I feel so lost? Like I am out of place.

Like a baby bird who fell out of its nest ,

like a name without a face.

Why do I feel so empty? But yet alive and still

dead inside.I have to sit here and ponder how

I can get by.

Why do you make me smile when everything

seems so gloom.I guess I really know why,

and it's something that is so new.

Why do we try to fight it when we both

know in our hearts. That the day we both

admit it , is the day a new life starts.

Living A Nightmare

Living a nightmare of reality to blind
to see is it love or a joke? Is there really
any hope for a desolate soul like me?

Where is my knight n shinning armor?

Take Me

Here I sit with thoughts of you.
Wondering just what I should do.
The time is know, I wonder how you
will respond, Don't tear me down.

My heart is yours rip it from my chest
just for you I would give my last breath.

So tie me up in your thoughts,your mind,
make me yours until the end of time.

The passion within is dieing to come out,
take away the uncertenity and the doubt.

Bust through the walls that were built
with time.I want you to be forever mine.

What is our destiny?

His Touch

The radiant glow that eluminates her
face. She spots the one who holds her
fate in his hands he has not clue as to
what he has.

Her beauty a dull pale white face emotions so cold
shes in a desolate place.

His touch,his kiss, his warm tenderness, taker her
to that far away place where he rescues her soul
and the both grow old and there ashes blow in the wind..

Self Doubt

My laughter is replaced by pain.
Noone to care if I go insane.
The endless thoughts of you dance
through my mind wishing I could turn
back the hands of time.

The ship sails in the night,
the calm beautiful waves as it
reflects the moonlight. It casts
a reflection of your heart,as you
dock on the bay of a cold desolate
place. Where you search for somewhere to
bury your face,and pour out your heart
and soul.Noone around to ever know,for
if you do keep it hidden he will never know,
your true feelings which you try so hard to hide.

But have you ever stopped to think, how much you love is the tie that binds, so open your heart,
let it all out and stop living with all this self doubt.

Tender Kiss

As I lay in my bed thoughts of you running
through my head.

You put a spark back into my heart
just when I thought it was dead.

The time is mine,my impure thoughts devine.
Will you reach out to take me into your

Your looks your charm is so attractive,
the butterflies swarm in the deepest part
of my stomach,feeling so warm, just like
your tender kiss.

It's Going To Be Alright

We've been through the dark,
know its time to come into the light.
With you by myside I know it will be
alright. You picked me up when I fell
down. You placed my feet back on the
ground and you said.

Our love is like a creek shallow and meek,
Our love is like a river and its starting
to run deep.
Our Love is like the ocean gentle and meek.
Baby take my heart to its highest peek.

Its gonna be alright lets take this endless
flight, a journey with its ups n downs and
arguments and fights.Its gonna be alright as
we said good night. You looked at me and said.

Our love is like a creek shallow and meek,
Our love is like a river and its starting
to run deep.
Our Love is like the ocean gentle and meek.
Baby take my heart to its highest peek.

Good Bye!

So Many thoughts going through my head,
what we have said and what we should have
been just left for dead.

What happened to the good times,the laughs
the looks we shared? We both became to scared
and neither of us dared to fight back the
insecurities that should have stayed burried,
so deep within but instead, we let them win.

I would rather bleed with cuts of love then
live with out any scars, but what we had is
know to far gone...

Good By....

Dear Me..

Dear me,
I am writing this letter, to try to tell
myself I deserve better.

Dear me,
How much more heartbreak can I take
will this be a mistake, or a chance I take

Dear me,
Of all the things Ive done, I try to tell
myself he is the one.

Dear me,
Its the moment in time, I have to step up
and fight to make him mine.

Dear me ,
Its a chance I take, and its such a
high steak, what if my heartbreaks.

Dear me,
What have I done to make me think,
I could be the one.

Dear me,
I have to tell him know just how
I feel, but I am not sure how.

Dear me,
You know you want him,

Dear me,
You know you miss him.

Dear me,
You know you need him.

Dear me,
You know you have to tell him right know..

Dear me.....

Do You?

Do you ever close your eyes and wish real hard, that
the one you want to be with will be there when you open
your eyes?

Do you ever close your eyes and wish that you could turn back
time to experience that one moment you never want to forget?

Do you ever close your eyes and smile because you know you feel
the love of that one special person if only for a minute?

Do you close your eyes and fear when you open them noone will
be there waiting to love you?

I Do

Before You Make A Wish!

Lying in a sleeping bag,
above some sticky grass,
you count the shinning stars
as endless minutes pass.

They form alot of pictures,
a boat,a horse, some fish,
waiting for a star to fall
wondering what you'll wish.
Would you wish for something
nice like love or even more?
Or would you wish for something
mean like Death or hate or war?
Think hard before you make a wish
and its consequences too. You
never know till its to late
your wish just may come true.

Little Things

Little things you do.
Funny things you say.
Make me like you more with the passing of each day.

The feeling That I get, when I see you come online.,
brings a smile to my face and all my troubles far behind.

And on the days I don't see you which are far and few
between makes me very sad and blue my eyes with
out a gleam.

So I sit and wonder as I start at my screen are you a fairy
tale or even make believe.

Much to my astoundment and glimmer in my eye , you are
exactly what I'm looking for, know how do I make you my guy?

Shades Of Grey

Why is life so uncertain so unclear.
Nothing ever cut and dry, always areas
of grey. Sometimes it seems no one
cares if I fade away.

Shades of grey in this life looking
out my window as my life floats by
on a cloud.

Tears flowing down my face like
rain on a rainy day. Uncertain of what
comes what may.

Don't walk behind me I will not lead
Don't walk in front of me I will not follow
Just walk beside me and hold my hand Lets
take this as far as we can.

Shades of grey coming through today needing
you to hold my hand to let me know you

Blending in with the crowd, voices echo all around.
Dreaming of stars in the sky. Shades of grey bluring my eyes.

Shattered Dreams

Shattered dreams with thought of you,
Shattered because we are through
Shattered just lost and confused.

Driving down the fast lane of life
spedometer pushing 105. Every things
just a blur.Nothing but thoughts of you
occur. Empty faces, empty smiles. Lost
in you all the while.

Know I'm shattered with thoughts of you,
Shattered because we are through
Shattered lost and confused.

The pain is healing all the while
I met someone new and know I smile.
Dreams do come true.

I was shattered because of you
Shattered because we were through
Shattered no longer true. I was shattered
when I though of you. My shattered dreams
are all through.

Torn down and built back up standing
tall standing tuff. Burning fridges one at
a time running wild and flying high. On
top of the world and I'm no longer
Shattered those days are through.
Shattered I'm so over you. Shattered
It just ain't true. Ill spend no more time
being shattered over you.